by admin | 21 August 2017 | Cat behavior, Problems and failures
This issue is often raised in cat lovers support groups: what to do if my cat peed outside of the litter box? Avoiding the litter box is a complex problem and requires certain steps. You have to play a detective and a serial killer… DETECTIVE Most important...
by Kocia Ciocia | 21 August 2017 | Cat behavior, Problems and failures, Relations with humans
Your kitty makes a show of sitting with his back to you, ignoring you? He may lick his paw or just stare ahead into nothingness. If this sounds familiar, it means that your cat is giving you the silent treatment. Cats can show their discontent in many different ways....
by admin | 20 August 2017 | Cat behavior, Problems and failures
When going to sleep you tuck yourself in really tight. You know that the monster under your bed is a real thing. Well, every night he?s after your feet, treating your face like a trampoline. Or he runs like a thing possessed all over the house, knocking off everything...
by admin | 20 August 2017 | Cat behavior, Hygiene and care, Problems and failures
Clawed and scratched furniture is a real headache for every cat lover. I bet you know it too well? If you want to stop your cat from sharpening his claws on your furniture, fetch some scissors and a double-sided adhesive tape. Before we move on to details though,...
by Kocia Ciocia | 30 June 2017 | Cat feeding, Problems and failures
A lot of articles which compare different cat bowl types can be found on the Internet. You can find out a lot about pros and cons of using bowls made of different materials ? like plastic, metal, glass, porcelain? Unfortunately, there are hardly any articles...
by Kocia Ciocia | 28 June 2017 | Problems and failures
It may be the case that our cats are not feeling well and they need time to get better. It may be after a surgery, injury or an illness. The sight of your pet suffering is heartbreaking and we?re ready to do anything to make them feel better… Here are a few tips...