How to prepare your cat for a new baby (part 2)

How to prepare your cat for a new baby (part 2)

In the first part of our series we dispelled the myth about toxoplasmosis. Today we focus on practical measures that might be taken in order to get your cat ready for a tiny human that will soon appear on his territory…

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Dry food ? facts, myths and misuse

Dry food ? facts, myths and misuse

Dry food is causing more and more controversy. Vets recommend it and cats love it. Nonetheless the number of negative opinions on harmfulness of crunchy food is on the increase. Well, what?s the truth then?

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Do you know how to feed your cat?

Do you know how to feed your cat?

You always want the best for your kitty. It?s obvious. If your cat spend the majority of the day by himself, you want to make this time pleasant to him. You leave toys around, clean litter box, fresh water and a bowl full of food…

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When cat disdains his litter box ? first aid

When cat disdains his litter box ? first aid

This issue is often raised in cat lovers support groups: what to do if my cat peed outside of the litter box? Avoiding the litter box is a complex problem and requires certain steps. You have to play a detective and a serial killer…

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How to prepare your cat for a new baby ? toxoplasmosis

How to prepare your cat for a new baby ? toxoplasmosis

We?ve all heard the story when someone decided to find a new house for their feline bet, because they were expecting a baby. From now on I will regularly post tips that will help you prepare your cat for the arrival of a new baby.

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