It may be the case that our cats are not feeling well and they need time to get better. It may be after a surgery, injury or an illness. The sight of your pet suffering is heartbreaking and we?re ready to do anything to make them feel better…

Here are a few tips if you are looking after a convalescent cat:

Every appointment with the vet is a source of distress. If on top of that your cat is ill, recovering from a surgery or injury, the level of anxiety goes through the roof. And this does not help your kitty to get better. Therefore your task is to try and minimise the level of stress right after leaving the vet?s office.


By the way ?  remember that you have to get your vet?s expertise after EVERY accident, no exceptions! Even if your cat looks OK. He may have an internal injury ? this puts his life under threat and may be a matter of hours.


Cats are great at picking up human emotions. Unfortunately, your distress will only affect your convalescent cat?s behaviour. Therefore, try to stay away from your pet until you pull yourself together. If your cat has to be held down, it?s better if you ask someone else to do it, someone who will keep calm. Especially when you are at the vet?s. Let the assistant hold down your cat. Your pet will be distressed anyway but at least you won?t add fuel to the fire.

Ensure as much peace and comfort at home:

  • Find a quiet, warm and cosy spot ? your kitty has to feel safe.
  • Make sure that other family members don?t bother your cat ? limit your kids? access to the cat and tell others to leave him alone. There will be time for games later.
  • Be gentle. Your cat is very sensitive at the moment, so if you have to move or groom him, do it firmly but carefully.
  • Don?t force your cat to be physically active (excluding physiotherapy treatment, of course). When he?s ready to play, he?ll definitely let you know.
  • It?s a good idea to prepare a hideout, where your cat will feel safe and will be able to access easily despite his poor health condition. It may be, for example, an open carrier (as long as it doesn?t freak him out) or a cardboard box with a cut-out hole (so that your cat can easily hop in).
  • If it?s possible, eliminate any noise. Try not to drill holes in the walls, don?t listen to music at full blast and don?t throw a housewarming party until your kitty feels better. If your cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, try not to use it for a while, if it?s possible of course. There are more important things than clean floors.


Make sure that your cat has access to all the strategic spots ? bowls with food and water, litter box, bed. If you notice that your cat is slowly recovering and is trying to jump on furniture, you have two choices:

  • try to make it impossible for your cat to jump on furniture (and hope that he will abstain from doing it),
  • facilitate jumping on furniture to your cat, e.g. by placing a smaller furniture piece near the bigger one, so it?s easier for the cat to get to the destination (and hope that your cat will use the track you create for him).

What are your methods to help your cat get back to health?


Cool art, I will publish it on: